Currents too strong
| Barometer rising
| Wind "clocking" around
East wind
| Barometer falling.
| Too calm
Fish shut down just before we started
| The lake needs a good storm to stir them up.
| Fish are not here (or they'd be hitting)
No currents
| Foggy
| Sunny
Too windy to control boat
| Wrong moon phase
| Fish facing wrong way
Trolling wrong directions
| Too many bait fish
| Not enough bait fish
Didn't have right lure action
| Didn't have right lure color
| Single hooks
Treble hooks
| Didn't have enough time
| Water too rough
South wind
| Gear not working properly
| Partner not fishing seriously
Trolling motor troubles
| Cloudy
| Others fishing our spot
Lost fishing coordinates
| Couldn't see landmarks
| Should have fished elsewhere
North wind
| West wind
| Upper level low (Bonehead)
Hooks dull
| Not watching downrigger
| Fish hit during nature call
Short net handle
| Inept netter
| Inept captain
Shakedown trip (checking equipment out)
| Followed another fisherman's advice
| Gloated about successful prior trip
| Bragged about last trip
| Neither fishing major or minor
Fish "Hitting Short"
| Fish "Slapping lure with their tails"
| Recent thunderstorms |
New equipment
| Tackle in other tackle box.
| Skim ice
Net not "Dipped"
| Weights Wrong Color
| Too prepared - even brought cooler ice
Trolling too fast
| Trolling too slow
| Forgot beer
Didn't remove hook protector
| High winds push fish to bottom | Sun facing wrong way |