Joe's Lake Superior Fishing Home Page

Marquette, Michigan
Cooler By The Lake in Lower Harbor - Click Image to Enlarge

Welcome to Joe's Lake Superior Fishing website. This season begins thirty years of logging my Lake Superior fishing trips around Marquette, located in the north central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Each year I've recapped my fishing trips to share with you. My boat is named "Cooler By The Lake", after our frequent summer weather forecasts for areas near Lake Superior. I'm a fisherman who loves to fish Lake Superior, mostly for Lake Trout. I do not run a charter. There are no paid advertisements on my site, nor pop-ups. I usually update my reports after each trip. Thank you for following me on my Lake Superior fishing journeys. Other features on my website are where I cover several topics, including the Marquette American Legion Post 44 happenings, and Marquette Area Veterans Memorial events.  Please if you have questions or suggestions. Compliments are also welcomed. Joe P.S. It's kind of nice to find that Google lists me #1 out of 6,010.002 responses (yeah, it varies) to "Joe's Lake Superior Fishing " searches. Probably aren't many websites this old.  Please join me this season!



2025 Fishing LogAre you kidding, there's snow on the ground and lots of ice on the Big Pond. Check in the Spring.
2024 Fishing LogThe season has ended - Mixed emotion but it's been a great year. Summary is done.
2023 Fishing Log Yup, the season has ended. Absolutely fantastic year. Synopsis is now posted. 
2012 Fishing Log 2012 The best season ever. All kinds of records broken. 
DNR Hooking Mortality Study  This 5-year study began in 2010 and I participated tagging through 2013. Click left for the background and some highlights you might find interesting.  
Prior Fishing Reports   
About Gear and Techniques Descriptions of my boat and fishing techniques. 
My Thoughts on Fishing  Comments on "Fats" and other things. Always under construction. 
List of Fishing Excuses  Excuses for not catching fish. Any I missed? Tell me. 
Weather Links  Marine, local and other weather sites. Some links not widely known. 
In Memory of Clarence  I just know he's still fishing up there somewhere. 
CUPSFA  Central UP Sport Fishing Association. Some outdated stuff but still some excellent information.  
Veterans Recognition   List of WWII Veterans honored in 2008. 
Veterans Memorial  Bricks through March 2022 are now installed. Pictures of the latest installed bricks and the index to their location have been updated.Click here for names, pictures, and locations of installed bricks and brick request forms.  
American Legion Post 44   Post new website: However, there are some old pictures, etc. I've kept here. 

Web Site Changes

Changes and additionsDate
Added weather link to Marquette City Weather Web Site (below)7 Dec 18
Added weather for wind (see below)27 Apr 19

New and Old News

ArticleDate Posted
Historic year for me- I hit 493 blood and platelet donations.  2019
Track ships in the great lakes or even the world17 Dec 11
See a MDNR graph of fish caught since 1988 and the catch rate. 12 April 2008
Fascinating 1873 article on Salmon-Trout in Lake Superior2007
Here's an interesting article on seiches someone sent to me. 2004
My hazardous experience with a SeaChoice water/fuel separator2002
Launch Fee Controversy Really old story.1999-2000

Cool Sites

Lake Superior Shoreline PicturesGreat site.
Granite Island CamSuper cool site and there's a new super weather station.
DNR Fish Planting QueryPermits searching planting information by-area, type, etc. .
Don's Bluegill Fishing SiteDon and I bluegill used to fish together. Great pictures.
UP ReferencesUP events, places, snow, civic, and other information.
North America Weather SitesPass mouse over dot. Click for even more info. Don't forget tabs at top.


Weather Links

LinksCaution. When visiting the sites below, look closely at the time, date, and location. Some sites are notoriously not current.
Marquette City WeatherWeather dedicated to the City of Marquette from NWS and sensors located in town. Almanac data handy.
Wind Finder - MarquetteNeat site. I don't know sorce of wind or wave data comes from.
Granite Island Weather StationSuper sophisticated weather station.
Ice Cover -Lake Superior Satellite ShotsClick on Lake Superior, then chose image. These shots change daily but quality depends on cloud cover. I just changed the link as old one wasn't working.
Lake Superior Marine ForecastCovers a very wide area.
Buoy @ Granite IslandSeasonal. Buoy 45171 shows data + wave height. Installed 2022 but few people knew it. Hope it's installed in 2023.
MQT-near USCGThis site is near-real time located in the wind-sheltered lower harbor. Data sometimes delayed by over half an hour. Only time it's close to accurate is with a southerly wind. When on site, click diamond at top for Big Bay station.
Au Train ( Munising lakeshore)Another reference for boaters but about 27 miles east of Marquette. Still, I use it periodically.


Changes to my web site to consider for the future:

  • Complete make-over of my home page. I laid down and feeling went away.
  • My personal dictionary of terms. I've started this but have lots to do yet before publishing.
  • More pictures of high quality. I might do this as a friend has some fantastic pictures.
  • Have someone take newer and better pictures of my boat.
  • I thought about having a forum where visitors can exchange ideas and experiences.  Worthwhile? Not!



Please feel free to comment or suggest improvements! .



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