Joe's 2024 Lake Superior Fishing Report and Log Cooler By The LakeWelcome to my fishing website. This is my twenty-ninth year of logging my Lake Superior Fishing adventures.  I synopsize most trips, generally describing my adventures, successes and other details out on the Big Pond.  My boat is appropriately named "Cooler By The Lake". I am just a plain fisherman who loves to fish Lake Superior, mostly for Lake Trout. I do not run a charter. I try to update my reports after each trip. Thank you for following us on our Lake Superior fishing journeys. Please Click here to send me email if you have any questions or suggestions on my reports or narratives. Compliments are also welcomed. 

"Cooler By The Lake"

Marquette, Michigan

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2024 Lake Superior Fishing Log


Fishing Synopsis 2024

Well, it's been a great fishing year, slightly short in some figures of last year. We got in 33 trips, slightly less than average. Fish per trolling hour was very good too, 2.7 fish per hour, close to average. Again I had experienced fishing partners and  great guests who were familiar with the equipment and knew what they were doing. Another good result was 23 single line doubles (two fish on one line), still better than average but below last year's exceptional 33. Our average length of trolling time was still under 3 hours and the total fish caught of 249 was above average.  it was a really good year! I wish you all a Merry Christmas, good winter, and a healthy and prosperous New Year. Thank you for following our fishing journeys.

2024 Fishing Synopsis

Click here to see last year's log or click here choose prior year fishing reports


12 Oct 24`    And the winds of October didn't give any breaks until day. Gary McDonnell and I set out for a final run, a short one as there were big rollers coming from overnight. Well, we got some lures washed but not so much as a hit. I think we marked only two fish and after 2 hours, we decided to hang it up. The boat is now safely drained down and tuckd away for the winter. Can't do muc boo hooing as it's been a really good season, one of the best. I'll summarize in my report within the next couple of weeks. Thanks for following us. Hope to see you next year.

27 Sep 24    Unusually warm and calm weather for the end of September. Ron Mattson and I headed to our usual haunt, only to go a hour and a half with zip action, except a real bell ringer that got off halfway to the boat. Things finally picked up with of all things, a single line double (SLD) by Ron. Next a Laker on the Johnson rod was followed but Ron with another SLD. It was hot with calm winds, but I'm not complaining. We ended with  7 Lakers. in a little over 3 hours.

24 Sep 24    There was the usual mix of wind forecasts, some 180º apart in direction. However, damn the torpedoes as Ron Mattson and I headed out. Turning the corner around the breakwater we were greeted by 2-3' rollers. A quick reduction of throttle and increase in trim tabs settled things down. The sea legs were kicked in as we rocked in 2-3' rollers but it was still very fishable. Once again the Johnson rod produced the first Laker, followed within next 20 minutes by 4 more. Then a seemingly long time lapse and the mood went from gloating to whining, the latter of which paid off. We finished up in under 3 hours with 9 Lakers for a beautiful day on the Big Pond.

21 Sep 24    Since the last trip, it was plenty breezy but today we got a super nice day. Guests were Randy Johnson and Ricky Eckloff. In near-calm seas we got the Johnson rod down and then Ricky's rigger. Before I could get my rigger down, the Johnson rod produced our first Laker. Action was fairly steady and slowly we picked up 6 Lakers going one way and another on the return leg. Hence the usual comment on the fish facing one way. Might have been a slight bit of truth (but I doubt it) as the currents were once again very strong. As we wrapped it up, the Johnson rod produced our 8 Laker in a little over 3 hours. Here's Ricky reeling in a Laker. Click to enlarge, back arrow to return here.

Rixky Eckloff

14 Sep 24    The day had a breezy feeling which proved right on as guest Randy Johnson and I headed out, pretty much to my usual haunt. Slow, slow, slow, marking only a couple and finally catching a small Laker which kept us from a skunk. So we turned and the winds were pretty steady from the SW around 10mph, lumpy but still fishable. Finally, another Laker came in on my rigger and I said to Randy, let's wrap it up seeing one of the three lines were up. So Randy pulled his rigger and said he had two (single line double), and they were pretty decent sized. Well, we pulled the johnson rod, only to find another nice Laker on it that didn't fight until right behind the boat. Strange but great to go from 1 Laker to 5 in 20 minutes. We headed in around the 2 1/2 hour point, feeling a little lucky.

12 Sep 24    It was a magnificent morning with the sun just having risen on calm waters as Gary McDonnell and I headed out. As usual the Johnson rod went out first. Gary barely got his rigger down when the Johnson hit. Good way to start as I didn't even have my rigger down yet. Action was steady as we plied waters from 165' to 235'. To my surprise there were virtually no currents as the trolling speed was steady in both directions - very unusual. As we had 7 in the box, Gary said he had 2 on at once (SLD). I wasn't long after that we boxed our 10th Laker and headed in to port in under 3 hours of trolling. Mixed emotion to head in under such beautiful conditions.

2 Sep 24    Did anyone see where August went? 😒 Ron Mattson and I each went through the wide variety of forecasts and like good fishermen, chose the best one. So off we went in better conditions than anticipated. It wasn't long before the Johnson rod produced, as it's been doing stellar work lately. The current was some of the strongest I've seen, slowing us far below our usual speed. Well, we caught several fish, having two single doubles. With 7 in the box, we decided to troll back roughly on the track going out. The wind was picking up a little and heading into it way faster than I like to fish, we caught fish. WTF! The Johnson rod picked up #9 and shortly afterwards, Ron had #10 on. I had just commented I hope we didn't get a double as we needed only one. Guess what, one hit my rigger and was on almost to the top when it got off. Couldn't have worked out better. In the strongest currents I've seen in a long time, our speed ranged from 1.4mph to 3.1mph and we caught fish at both extremes. What a great day on the Big Pond.

26 Aug 24    In light south winds, Ron Mattson and I set lines at 215', again headed to less deep waters. It didn't take long for lines to produce. Before long, we had 7 Lakers in the box when Ron said he had 3 on his rigger. OMG! The 1st one ran under the boat and went bye, bye. The other two we got in. Looking at my watch, we'd been trolling for 1 hour and 5 minutes. So with 9 in the box we turned towards port and went 40 minutes before we got the last one. That worked out perfectly, enabling us to spend a little more time on the Big Pond. But the temperature was really heating up so we didn't mind heading in as it was getting pretty hot. Another great day!

24 Aug 24    Took one day off the Lake but couldn't resist hitting the Big Pond again whilst the Lake was so unusually calm. My guest today was Dr. Nelson Winkler. After setting lines, an hour passed without a hit. But panic didn't set in as the Johnson produced the first Laker and started a slow run of Lakers over the next two hours. On highlight was Dr. Winkler had a single line double (two Lakers on one rigger), but one took off with the stacker line. Of course we missed a few others but ended with 9 Lakers, thinking we had 8, until a recount when we got home. Here's a picture of Doc reeling a Laker in on the Johnson rod. Dr Nelson Winkler Great work in 3 hours. I don't recall the launch facility being so full and overflowing as today. What a great day!

22 Aug 24    Another beautiful day as Dexter Wilson set lines in calm waters. And as usual, it wasn't long before the Johnson rod connected. Action was steady and we ranged in depts. from 150' to 230'. For the 6th time this year I brought my rigger up to 70' so the line wouldn't tangle with the Johnson rod which and a Laker on. I was telling Dexter about the previous times where when I stopped around 60', I caught a Laker. Well, happened again today so we had a double. Bottom line is we had our limit in 2 hours and 10 minutes. What a day! the "Always Something" today is one of my GPS would fire up but I have backups.

20 Aug 24    Gary McDonnell and I set out under pretty nice conditions. The Johnson Rod went out firs and before Gary got his rigger down, the Johnson rod put one in the box. But it was a day of missing fish. Once the Johnson Ron nearly bent in two and poof, gone. Then there were 3 other hits that really shook the riggers and ringing the bell like crazy, again stayed on for a minute or two before more poofs - gone. But on a positive note we ended with 5 Lakers in 2.5 hours and have little regrets about the missed fish. That's fishing eh! Great day! Addendum: Pulling the boat off the ramp I felt a bang and loud notice. The winch strap broke but the safety chain caught the boat. Whew!

14 Aug 24    Another beautiful, warm, calm, sunny day as Randy Johnson and I set lines at 215 feet, headed to shallower, then deeper water. No action for an hour, marking very few. Finally one here and there, one of which was a 7# Laker on the Johnson rod. We decided to quit in 2 hrs, 45min and when someone took up his rigger, viola, the 5th Laker. It was toasty out there with the hot sun coming down and reflecting off of the water. Here's a picture or Randy reeling in a Laker. Randy JohnsonClick to expand, back to return.

12 Aug 24    Another beautiful day as Ron Mattson and I headed out in flat seas and calm winds. Once lines were down, action was steady, but so was missed fished, 4 times. But progress continued as we worked from 165' to, get this 265'. I hadn't planned to fish that deep but I drifted on my usual route. However, one or two came from those depths. Finally, as we neared the 3-hour trolling time I usually target and 8 in the box, I suggested one more and we'd be homeward bound. Suddenly, Ron's rigger was bouncing, the Johnson rod bent over, and my rigger bell rang. It was a quad with Ron having a SLD so 2 went into the box, and two we released. Still under three hours, we headed towards port. It was a hot day with sunny skies and no wind, but I won't complain. Actually, Yahoo on a great day!

7 Aug 24    Only time for a brief report. Dexter and I headed out in 1' waves and winds SW at 7mph to set lines at 203' The depth changed quickly and we were soon in165'. First fish was again on the Johnson rod. We went on to box 5 Lakers, missing 2, the last as it swam under the boat and went bye, bye. Three hours of fun time!

1 Aug 24    Where did July go so fast? The unusually calm spell continued as guest Gary McDonnell and I headed out in hazy skies to set line at 165'. Just like the last trip the Johnson rod produced a Laker before the other lines were set up. We ranged in depths to 240', which I try to avoid but can fish it, produced a nice Laker. For the fourth time this season, we were bringing in a Laker on the Johnson rod so I took my rigger up to 65 clicks. I looked over and it went wild as a Coho had hit and came flying to the surface, giving us quite a hassle. We boxed both fish. To wrap up a great day in a little over 3 hours, we left with 8 nice fish on still calm waters. Fun!

30 Jul 24    Instead of the fog forecasted, it was smoke from California, but not that heavy. Guest Ron Bissett and I headed out in flat-as-a-pancake water. I commented where we were going was usually good  for producing 1-3 Lakers. So down went the Johnson rod and before anything was ready, Ron wrestled it about halfway up and felt it get off. Down went the Johnson, only this time the Laker went into the box. The Johnson rod was the workhorse today, getting 6 of the Lakers. When Ron was reeling in the Johnson I raised my rigger to 55' to preclude tangling with the Johnson rod and putting it out again. Well, whilst boxing the Laker on the Johnson, I said I have a fish on my rigger set 55'. We then had 8 in the box and I suggested bunching it as Ron had an appointment. So someone, we won't mention names, took up his rigger and commented "I have two Lakers on." So we finished with 10 Lakers in 2 hours and  45 minutes and in time for Ron to make his appointment. Water depths ranged from 165' to 245'.

25 Jul 24    Talk about a mixed bag of forecasts and reports, so Ron Mattson and I went with the best ones.  Our plan was to go a considerable distance to an area I haven't fished for a long time. Turning the corner around the breakwater, caused a rethinking of the distant site, with 1-2 foot rollers. We could have continued with our original plan but it would have required a much slower speed so we nixed that plan. Not going too far we set lines at 165' and hit 220' eventually. The Johnson rod was the workhorse today, and Ron's riggerw was too. Historically, I usually picked up 2-3 Lakers in this area but today we ended with 7 and of course, missed a real dandy within 2 feet of the net. Conditions could not have better and we enjoyed all our time out there. We wrapped it up in a touch over 3 hours.

22 Jul 24    My guest today was Dexter Wilson, who has fished with me before. It was a beautiful morning with calm seas and winds as we motored to my most recent spot. Always the first line to go out was the Johnson and it was't out for a minute before the first Laker hit. Nothing else was set up, including the net. So after a scramble, we got that one in the box. We marked quite a few fish but usually catch the ones we don't mark. Short story of the trip was 10 Lakers, one of which we release as too small, and two misses, all in 3 hours. We might have gone longer but my rigger hung bottom which I got off and lost no gear - whew! Great day on the Big Pond. I've a picture of Dexter working the Johnson rod which I may post later.

15 Jul 24    With some of the electrical issues from last trip hopefully resolved, Gary McDonnell and I headed out in calm winds and near calm seas with just enough small rollers to require a little tab. Once again we started at 150' and slowly worked deeper There was a hatch of moths that were unbelievable. They were coating the boat and us that it was very unpleasant. They didn't bite of course but were in your eyes and occasionally one inhaled. Laker action was slow but eventually we picked up 6 modestly sized ones. In the interim, I looked into the water to see if the hatch was coming right out of the water, which I had seen many years ago. It didn't appear so. Many were on the surface, still alive so I looked for fish dimpling the surface feeding but didn't see any. Finally, we quit from all the moths and heat after 2 3/4 hours. Still, it was a otherwise nice day to be out there.

12 Jul 24    Another early start with guest Ron Mattson. Near calm seas greeted us as we set lines at 160' and slowly worked to 180'+. Action started slowly and finally things picked up as we had 4 Lakers in the box. Then Ron had  a hit on his rigger and said the rigger wouldn't budge. Mine didn't either so we check the fuse and it not only was blown, but the holder was partially melted. Our backup plan was implemented with screw-in manual handles. I looked over and saw there was action on my rigger. We both hand cranked the riggers and it turned out I had two Lakers on and Ron had one. So we wrapped it up with 7 modest-sized Lakers in 1 3/4 hours. Stuff happens so headed home in calm seas after a short but great trip.

9 Jul 24    Gee, another nice, calm day as guest Randy Johnson and I left port under ideal conditions. We set lines at 170 and pretty much stuck to that as we slowly, but steadily picked up 8 Lakers. Only glitch was my rigger hung bottom near the end of the run and that caused quick reactions, e.g., shut down trolling motor, get in other lines, etc.. I then slowly circled back to the other side of the snag and viola, it came loose and we got all the gear back, including the Johnson line which was hung up in the rigger lines. Lucky break as that often doesn't happen. That made the decision to bunch it easier as we headed to port with 8 modest-sized Lakers in 3 1/2 hours, still with calm seas and winds. Wonderful day on the Big Pond.

4 Jul   24    It was a great way to celebrate the 4th of July when Ron Mattson and I headed out to sea considerably earlier than usual as we both needed to return early. Seas and winds were calm as we set lines at 175'. The first Laker came in on the Johnson and action after that was spaced out over the next 2 + half hours before wrapping it up with 10 Lakers. The ride home was like the ride out, calm! Wonderful boat rides and fishing on the Big Pond on the 4th of July.

1 Jul 24    Where did June go? My guest today was Ron Bissett. What a beautiful morning with calm seas and winds. We set the Johnson out first at 170' and it didn't even hit the bottom before we caught a small Laker. I've been fooled before to think the Lakers are on the bite. I wasn't fooled today as we nearly went an hour before our next Laker. Thereafter, the Lakers were spread out in time, nothing big. We started trolling home and whilst discussing wrapping it up, my rigger produced a Laker. I suggested we quit and as I looked around, saw two net flags. OMG, hard to port and get everything up pronto. Dodged a bullet on that one and didn't get caught up. So the day ended with catching 11 Lakers in 3 1/2 hours. Two were small but in good condition so we released them.

27 Jun 24    Strange start to the day as I was skeptical of the forecasted nort (sic) wind, albeit light. Took a ride and saw no trailers at the Cinder Pond - very unusual. Visited the PI Marina and saw several trailers, besides looking at a calm Lake. I couldn't pass up the day as it's supposed to rain the next several days. So at 11 a.m., neighbor Dexter Wilson and I headed out in near calm seas and set lines at  170' All three lines worked. I was holding my rigger at 50' waiting to get a fish on the Johnson and a nice Laker hit it. Then my line suddenly snapped and about 200' of line broke off, but I got it all back by hand lining and put it in the trash. I noticed there was a grove worn in the end eyelet and that may have caused the break. So I re-rigged through the 2nd eyelet until I can repair the tip eye. WTF, the line broke again and again I was able to pull in all the line and didn't lose any tackle. Yeah, yeah, I haven't replaced that line in a couple, make that several years and I'll be shopping soon. So, with 4 Lakers in the box, we planned to fish homeward, quitting in half an hour. Well, Dexter's rigger started  hopping and then the Johnson was thrumming. My rigger was again holding at 50' when its bell rang. Short of it is, Dexter had a SLD and there was a SLD on the Johnson. One was a dink and we released it. The one on my rigger got off. We ended with 7 keepers in under 3 hours and had great water to head back to port. Great day!

24 Jun 24    Guest Gary McDonnell and I headed out in calm seas and winds to set lines at 160' It wasn't 5 minutes before the first Laker came in. Of course, thoughts are we're going to knock 'um dead. Well, most of the time that doesn't happen. Instead we had action spread through the 3 1/2 hours, which was perfect. Just when we were ready to quit with 8 in the box, Gary produced one and then commented there's another one on his rigger. So we ended with 10 nice Lakers and a beautiful time on the Big Pond.

20 Jun    My guest today was Randy Johnson, who fish with me last year when we caught 9, including a SLD (single line double). I assured him it wasn't always that good. So guess who starts out with a SLD - Randy.Turned out we had 3 SLDs but missed one. The water and winds were great. All was fine as we had 6 in the box and were trying for one more. We set a course towards home port and were on a straight line for at least 20 minute when along side of us passes another boat with paddles way, way out so the inevitable happened. One of the boards crossed my boat and bad things happened. It was a Goatus Ropius which is Latin for Goat Rope. It was a mess. I felt bad it happened but we were on autopilot straight as an arrow for quite a wile so I'm not sure how that happened. Anyway, if the person in the other boat is reading this, please email me as I have your planner board and lure. Bottom line is we ended with 7 Lakers in about 2 1/2 hours. Mixed emotion day!

17 Jun 24    Seems each report starts with the word wind or rain or both. Yesterday today looked good, then it didn't, then it looked iffy. So Ron and I decided to head out early as winds were to be  minimal but the threat of rain and thunderstorms mid morning loomed. Turned out winds and seas were calm, albeit it was a foggy start.  We set lines at 180'ish and within 5 minutes, Ran said he had one on. So smarty-pants me chided him saying "just the one" as he'd got a reputation for single line doubles. Turned out he had two on so that quieted me down. We missed one Laker splashing behind the boat. Then I did one of my worst netting job hanging up the fish from outside the net-. Lucky Dog!, it fell off into the box. My excuse was I was netting looking into the sun on the water. A poor excuse is better than none. We then netted one on the Johnson and I was getting up my rigger in preparation to sending the Johnson when about 50' from the bottom, a nice Laker. We were closing in on 2 hours and Ron had is rigger up and we thought it was getting pretty dark and ominous and we should head home. Hauling in the Johnson rod another Laker hit and we left under still calm waters but a breeze that seemed to be picking up. Good work with 8 Lakers in 2 hours and beating the dire forecasts of hail and thunderstorms.

11 Jun 24    Yup, it's been steady winds since last trip, 'till today. Guest Gary McDonnell and I headed out in fairly calm seas with a forecast for slowly building winds and seas. Setting lines a 160' and varying it somewhat, nothing for the first hour. Finally we got into some action at 180'. We missed a minimum of 5 fish that we saw and maybe more we didn't see. The good news is we turned into the wind as it slowly built but we still caught a few more. Then my downrigger locked up and wouldn't go up or down so I got out my backup handle and started to screw it into the reel. Suddenly, the rigger started and took the handle and threw it in the Lake. Gee! Well, I got the rigger going and we fished into the winds, now at 12mph with an occasional whitecap. We pulled the pin in a little over 3 hours with 8 nice Lakers, not too big, not too small. Gary said it was 38º at his house before he left home so the winter gear came out but slowly, a few layers were shed. Fun day!

1 Jun 24    Today turned out to be better than forecasted. That worked out well as I was taking my Grandson Cooper and his girlfriend (probably an old term) Miracle out. We didn't go far as they had later plans so we set lines at 220' and worked towards 180' We caught 2 nice Lakers in under an hour but couldn't stand prosperity. The the dead, flat seas and winds teased us to head some 8 miles to where we did so well last trip. It didn't take long for the first Laker and then a second that got off right behind the boat. Then the winds and waves appeared and quickly spun us around and made a mess of things but we didn't lose any tackle. At that point we headed home with 3 Lakers. All in all, a great time and one that Miracle probably won't forget as it was her first time on Lake Superior.

30 May 24    Redemption! Ron and I headed out in beautiful, calm seas and winds. Well, our thinking was to go where we went the last time and got skunked, thinking being fish move around and it's usually a good fishing spot. Well, in a hour and a half, we caught zip and marked probably3. So much doing the same thing and expecting different results. OK, enough philosophy. Finally i said we're out of here to a better spot I usually do well, about 3 miles away. So up came the gear and off we went to set lines at 180' It wasn't 10 minutes before Ron hit a single line double, but we were able to net just one, the other getting off. Action remained steady and in two hours, we netted our 10th Laker. We needed that after the last trip. By the time we were headed home, the seas picked up with a little capping. Perfect timing.

4 May 24    After a fairly long period of poor fishing weather, Ron and I headed out to calm seas in search of. Well, I'll make this brief, we got skunked. Insult to injury was Gary P was out there and got 10, most before we got there when the bite was on. Not even a hit so after plying the ups and downs religiously, we decided to quit after 3 hours. Besides the water was 44º and the air 43º and the wind had picked up from the east. Hoodies were on and we decided to bunch it. It's been a long time since a skunk, and even then it's usually because of weather. Today, it was hard to find a good excuse except "we should have been there earlier."

6 May 24    Greetings folks. Finally a break in weather as Ron Mattson and I headed out in calm winds and water. We didn't go as far as usual and set lines at 135 FOW. It wasn't 15 minutes when Ron started with a single line double, followed by another on my rigger. Not long after, we missed 2, one was about 3' away from the net. So in half an hour we had 5 fish on, good start. And then the mistake of trolling away from the area and it got slow. We headed back and picked up two more. With another turn the calm waters and wind picked up with 10 mph from the east. I don't usually believe in the saying that when the wind is from the east, fish bit e the least... but it was true today. Mind you the forecast was for south winds at 5 mph. On our final leg we headed with the wind and waves, seeing an occasional white cap but it was still very fishable. We decided to pull the pin in 15 minutes and what often happens, we then caught two more. So we finished with 7 in 3.5 hours to a wonderful start. Pulling up to the dock the marina wind was at 13 mph, not uncommon but easy docking. BTW, only one dock is installed. WTF! And for more good news we didn't have a single goat rope on our shakedown run. Surprising eh!

17 May 24 My guest today was Ron Bissett, a neighbor. With a good forecast we were greeted by a fisherman friend Gary P. He is my bane as he's always coming in as I'm launching...and he always has his limit. He said it was best over 200'. Out we went in calm seas and stubborn me, started at 145', where were fished last time. They were gone of course, never marked anything. We pointed the boat towards a deeper area I knew well and once there in 210', a double. We struggled to get another an then another double. The Lakers were running a little larger then usual. So we wrapped it up in 3.5 hours with 5 nice Lakers. Just shortly before quitting, the wind picked up from the east and it started occasional capping. Fortunately, we were going with the wind and waves, but it was cold. Here's a picture or Ron wrestling a nice Laker on the Johnson rod, a new experience for him. Ron BIssett with Laker on Johnson rod

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